Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Studying for Finals

So I've been studying for finals, hence the lack of updates recently. I'm done on the 16th so after that it's just going to be working up at the lab which I am looking forward to. In case you weren't aware I study a lot differently than other people. Throughout the semseter I study and prepare so that when it comes to be about a week or two before the test, I try to relax and just listen to music while I run through the ideas and concepts in my head. If I get stuck I don't worry about it and come back to it later. Eventually I'll have gone through all the material and understood it. I don't really waste time doing practice problems, but I will read solutions to problems so I can get insights and strategies for general problem types. I feel good about physics but I am a little concerned about math since it is going to be multiple choice and we will lose points for an incorrect answer or an omitted answer. That means I could get a negative score! Oh well, I think I'll be able to do pretty well on it. In general I do pretty well on finals, at least I keep telling myself that to keep my spirits up.

On a completely unrealted note, last night I watched a movie called 'Domestic Disturbance' that starred Vince Vaughn and John Travolta. While some might consider the premise a little trite, I thought it was pretty good and it was neat to see Vince Vaughn outside of his normal funny man character. This appeared to perhaps be one of his earlier works but it still was quite good. I liked it. I won't bother with a rating system because I like all movies (including Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat: Annihilation if you were looking for some kind of standard candle). Oh well that's it for today.


The Godfather said...

Hey! Those Mortal Kombat movies are classic. Everyone loves those.

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.