Monday, December 12, 2005

2 tests tomorrow. No time.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Mood: Prepared
Soundtrack: Loveline in the Background

So tomorrow I have to go to class which means I can't stay up too late tonight which sucks. I can't believe my test is at 8 am on tuesday. That sucks. oh well I'm almost done. I can't wait. Unfortunately like I said, I don't have much time so expect short updates until tuesday.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Mood: Good
Soundtrack: A Perfect Circle Mer de Noms

So I've been looking into some physics stuff to get ready for the physics major and it looks like I'm going to have to study some chemistry and some computer science over the summer. Getting a book on intro to C++ or something should be ok. I went to the review session today and I am feeling pretty good about the exam. I'm tired so that will be all for now. Just a few days until I'm done.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Mood: Tired
Soundtrack: None

So tired... Just quickly updating. So tired today, I just came home and watched the 2 towers on tnt. It was really good. The comercials were annoying. I also saw the beginning of "the Librarian: quest for the spear". My math professor has extended class so that there is going to be another class meeting on monday. Tomorrow I have to go to a review section. Oh well. that's it for me.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Mood: Confident... Kinda
Soundtrack: Oasis (What's the Story) Morning Glory

So we did half of a practice midterm in physics discussion today and I would have probably gotten very nearly full credit on all three questions. I feel really prepared for Physics and I have a few days left to go over some last stuff. The only problem is now with Math. I had to try and teach myself the 2 hardest topics in 53 tonight all because my proffessor was so slow this semester. Needless to say, I failed at trying to teach myself. Luckily I have tomorrow's lecture, tomorrow's discussion, this weekend and office hours on monday to go over it. I hope I do well. I think that by the time I take the test I'll be prepared, but we'll see. I'm pretty tired so that's all for me today. There will be more and longer posts after break. Plus pictures since my mom bought a digital camera.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Mood: On top of things
Soundtrack: Coldplay Parachutes

I was able to get through my work for today rather quickly and now I feel really solid for Math. I think that things are going to work out pretty well for me. I feel really on top of things right now. I think I might be able to really nail this Physics final. I can't wait for this semester to be over. I went through 3 chapters of Giancoli/Elby and feel really good about the material. I just have a few things to hammer out and I know that the later material in the class is easier, plus we just went over it. I just keep making some silly mistakes with electric potential. I think I'll need to read that stuff over one more time, but seeing as how I started preparing for this final a month ago, I feel on top of things. One last thing to go over that I haven't given much thought to is all that thermo stuff. Oh well. I really do enjoy this physics stuff and I can't wait until 7c. This summer I'm hopefully going to be able to get into some research so that should be really exciting. Things are just going to get a lot better after I get all done with this semester. O well, that's all I have to say for now.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Mood: Exhausted
Soundtrack: Coldplay Parachutes

I didn't get nearly as much studying done today as I had hoped to. I had to put together my final project for my hitchhikers guide decal and that took a lot more time that I had hoped. I put together a book which meant I had to figure out how to print it out and it was plain and simply a bitch, but it was a challenge that I was up for and I even had a little fun figuring it out. However, this meant that I didn't have a chance to do all the work that I had hoped. I've got a math quiz tomorrow and I don't think I'll do too well. O well, it's only one. I'm predicting right now an A in math and a B+ in Physics. That seems optimistic but that is what I honestly think I will end up getting. I have a lot more studying to do and right now math is giving me a lot more problems than I'm used to, but I can't wait until next semester. Both 54 and 7C are easier than 53 and 7B. I'll just be so happy. This winter break is going to be a lot of hanging out and not much else. This summer I'm hoping that I'm going to be able to do some research or something.

So today was my last decal class meeting and it was a little bittersweet. I'm going to miss all those people. I really felt as if they were my friends but I don't know them well enough to keep seeing them outside of class. But I will probably bump into them a couple of times. After class I stayed and talked with my project partner for a while after class. He is a pretty cool guy. I'll miss them all but who knows I might see them again next semester. He said he was doing a decal next semester but I forgot which one. O well, we'll see. I really liked the guy that led it; he reminded me a lot of David (Paul's roommate). I think I could have gotten to know him pretty well in the right context but o well.

I'm exhausted (as the mood thingy says) so that's it for me tonight.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Mood: Sleepy
Soundtrack: Loveline in the Background

Today I've had a lot of work to do and I did figure out that Math problem from last night. I was going over a lot of physics from Elby and was disappointed to find out that some of the earlier problems were more complicated than I remember, but I finished 2 and a half chapters tonight so I am way ahead in my study schedule. Things are looking good. Now I just have to figure how I am going to study for Math. Not too much happened today, just classes and work. Today was my mom's birthday and unfortunately she had some car trouble but now that we have 3 cars that isn't as big of a deal. I just can't wait to get to the end of the semester. Then I can finally lose some of this weight I gained back out of stress after my last midterm. Although I think I'm around 210 which is much better than the 235 I was before this summer began. I'd like to be below 200 by my birthday, which is very doable. I do a lot of walking and don't have time to each very much so I think that is why my weight has stayed relatively low without me doing any cardio or weights. Although I do think that the walking around here has to count as cardio because I make it a point to power walk and around here walking it more like hiking and by the end of a long walk, I feel it and my heart is pumping.

I'm very tired so that will be all for tonight. Sorry for being so rambly.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Mood: At ease
Soundtrack: Coldplay X&Y

Not too much new up with me. On Friday I walked this post grad from Ghana over to the Student Store. He is working on efficiency standards for refrigerators. He was pretty cool guy and we had a nice conversation. I think his name was Ben Higgins but I'm not sure on his last name.

It's my mom's birthday tomorrow so yesterday we had a party for her (confusing huh?) and it was pretty fun. My aunt, uncle, cousins, and my cousin's wife came over. Mostly this weekend I took a break and played a lot of X-men Legends 2. It's a great game but I just wish that it had cable in it. Oh well. I thought I had finished with Christmas shopping earlier but in fact I hadn't. The fm transmitter I bought for Mel's dad's iPod wouldn’t work so I had to return it and find another one, however the only ones that would work with his iPod were either $100 or ones with questionable user reviews. I don't have enough money to buy him that nice of one and if I did, I'd have to get something extra for his wife and once again I don't have money for that either. I just hope he likes it. O well, he'll probably never use it just like the other gifts I've gotten him. I also found out today that my mom hates chenille fabric in clothing. Unfortunately, I bought her 2 chenille sweaters for Christmas. Should I return them? I don't know. How was I supposed to know she didn't like them, she wears that kind of sweater all the time. I don't know. Right now they are over at Mel's. I'll have to take a look at them and see how much they shed and pill. O well.

I, interestingly enough, have stopped worrying so much about death, which is a good thing since as of last night, it was my every 3rd thought. You see my problem was that I couldn't believe that there was any kind of an afterlife because I think that most beliefs of that kind are based around fear, but then Mel pointed out to me a very key other important axiom I have. I truly believe that there is some higher power and to me, if there is a higher power, I can't see how there could possibly be nothing after death, because that would all just seem so exceptionally cruel. This was a big deal for me so now I feel I am much saner...

For the first time in my life, I am seriously thinking that maybe I should look into getting a therapist. I'll have to look around and see what's available here on campus. I think most of that stuff is centered around suicide prevention though, which is not my problem. I dunno, I might ask my parents if it might be ok. It's just that I get panicky really easy and I can't stop worrying about things. I have to get up 3-4 times during the night to make sure that the door is locked. My brother just makes fun of me and tells me stuff like "stop worrying" but I can't. I worry so much that I get panic attacks about 3-4 times a week. I dunno, I'll have to mull it over some more.

Well, I've got some homework to do and I want to watch some TV tonight so I'd better be going.

I'm back. I couldn't quite finish my math because the assignment is ahead of the lectures and rather than trying to grim and bare my way through it, I'll just wait until I can talk with my GSI about it. That is what they are there for anyway. As long as I get the concept by Wendesday I'll be doing fine. Another thing that happened today is that I went to visit my Grandfather today and he is doing a lot better today. He really was happy to see us and seemed really excited to talk to me. When we were about to leave Paul and mom went into the car and he just kept talking to me about all kinds of things: my classes, my roomate, places in Berkeley. I don't want it to sound like he doesn't normally want to talk to me, it just was that he seemed especially interested today which was really great. Today has been a pretty good day. The only thing is that I wish I could have figured out how to do those math problems. It's the last new concept of the semester so I guess that's why it's so complicated. I think my problem stems from some mistake I'm making while parameterizing my surfaces. I'm not quite sure. I've got a lot of studying to do this week, so I probably won't post as much, but soon my classes will be over. I can't wait. I should be going to sleep now though so see you next time.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Mood: Relaxed
Soundtrack: A Perfect Circle Emotive

I'm feeling really nice and relaxed today. I knew the stuff in Physics discussion really well and it is pretty complicated. I think I will do pretty well on this final. It's raining right now and from my window I've got a nice view of the street. I really love my apartment over here. It's so cozy. All you imaginary people that read this, please come visit sometime. I should get started on my math and physics homework but I'll probably take a nap first. O well, get back to you later.