Thursday, January 25, 2007

How long does it take to make do a lab?

About 40 hours. That's how long everything took for me to finish my lab this week. I woke up at 6 am this morning to work until 12:30pm. It has been crazy and now I'm just exhausted. I just want to go home and rest.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Here is a pictures of some hot kittens!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

So You Want a Post, eh?

Well here it is!

A lot to talk about so where should I get started. Chronologically probably makes the most sense.

My finals turned out to go well (very well in the case of Electromagnetism). I proceeded to spend my all too short Winter break finishing off Marvel Ultimate Alliance followed by Champions: Return to arms. Both of which were good games, although the former was a little disappointingly devoid of a story or a reasonable length. I was also busy tying up some loose ends with Christmas shopping and after that I relaxed and on the 26th got Mortal Kombat Armageddon which was a surpassed my expectations. I also got two other games: Barbarians (which I haven't decided if I like yet) and a Crash Bandicoot racing (which is very disappointing). It seems like this was a lot of games and to be honest it was. I played way too much. the 3rd and 4th I went up to Berkeley to get my poster ready for the American Astronomical Society conference and it was a big mess because my computer was in the shop. (it's back now though an Best Buy is very good with their warranties) On January 5th I went to Seattle to go to the AAS conference which had all sorts of neat astronomy stuff. I got to present my poster and it went over very well with many people interested in my project and asking if I could do some similar work for them (which I will do as soon as I receive their emails). That conference lasted until the 10th at which point I came home. After that, not much happened, just some games of Trivial Pursuit and before I knew it, I had to go back to school.

Well today was my first day and I walked into class not entirely prepared for what has been a hectic day. It turns out that I have a rather sizable homework assignment today and a long lab tomorrow. After that I should be able to get on top of things. This was just particularly bad because I have to do it tonight (I hate doing things the night before). Oh well. It will have to work out one way or the other. I had a long to do list for today but very little of it got done because of this hw.

That's it except I got hooked on Quizno's which isn't so bad if you have the right coupons but ridiculous if you don't. I also finished a great book entitle "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman" which was also really good.

I guess that's all I've got.