Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Electrodynamics Final

So I went and took my 110A electrodynamics final and feel like I did really well which is awesome because I was kinda dreading it as my hardest final. This time however, I wasn't nervous at all, in fact I was rather confident and looking forward to the test. This is in stark contrast to my usual pre-test m.o. as long time readers know. Oh well. That's the update for now. I have to go do quantum homework.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Finals Coming Up!

So I'm getting ready for finals and looking forward to this break which will be my first vacation for a year since I spent all summer doing research. I still have work to do but I plan to laze around a lot more than usual. This year I don't have any finals on the same day which is pretty nice because I don't have to go through that all over again. Other than that not much new.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Robert's Rule #1

Henceforth, there shall be a regular update entitled Robert's Rules.

I'm introducing a new feature called Robert's Rules where I discuss what I would do if I were to become your ruler. (not the measuring kind, the one that you pay taxes to. If that description doesn't eliminate the ambiguity I would like to have a talk with your ruler and discuss 'business'. By business I mean inches, by inches I mean how do we take out those annoying snooty metric jerks, by annoying stupid metric jerks, I meant the dinosaurs.)