Monday, December 05, 2005

Mood: Sleepy
Soundtrack: Loveline in the Background

Today I've had a lot of work to do and I did figure out that Math problem from last night. I was going over a lot of physics from Elby and was disappointed to find out that some of the earlier problems were more complicated than I remember, but I finished 2 and a half chapters tonight so I am way ahead in my study schedule. Things are looking good. Now I just have to figure how I am going to study for Math. Not too much happened today, just classes and work. Today was my mom's birthday and unfortunately she had some car trouble but now that we have 3 cars that isn't as big of a deal. I just can't wait to get to the end of the semester. Then I can finally lose some of this weight I gained back out of stress after my last midterm. Although I think I'm around 210 which is much better than the 235 I was before this summer began. I'd like to be below 200 by my birthday, which is very doable. I do a lot of walking and don't have time to each very much so I think that is why my weight has stayed relatively low without me doing any cardio or weights. Although I do think that the walking around here has to count as cardio because I make it a point to power walk and around here walking it more like hiking and by the end of a long walk, I feel it and my heart is pumping.

I'm very tired so that will be all for tonight. Sorry for being so rambly.

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