Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Mood: On top of things
Soundtrack: Coldplay Parachutes

I was able to get through my work for today rather quickly and now I feel really solid for Math. I think that things are going to work out pretty well for me. I feel really on top of things right now. I think I might be able to really nail this Physics final. I can't wait for this semester to be over. I went through 3 chapters of Giancoli/Elby and feel really good about the material. I just have a few things to hammer out and I know that the later material in the class is easier, plus we just went over it. I just keep making some silly mistakes with electric potential. I think I'll need to read that stuff over one more time, but seeing as how I started preparing for this final a month ago, I feel on top of things. One last thing to go over that I haven't given much thought to is all that thermo stuff. Oh well. I really do enjoy this physics stuff and I can't wait until 7c. This summer I'm hopefully going to be able to get into some research so that should be really exciting. Things are just going to get a lot better after I get all done with this semester. O well, that's all I have to say for now.

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