Thursday, February 15, 2007

Political Commentary #1: Why I Think Baraka Obama Can Finish Them

So there are a lot of Reasons why I think Obama can win. First of all being a Tarkatan Warrior has its advantages. Some say he's young, but he has experience. Living in Outworld, he aided Shujinko in gathering the Kamidogou, ancient powerful artifacts that the Dragon King tricked Shujinko into gathering for him. Despite this deception, Obama was able to benefit from the endeavor in that he learned many of the techniques that make his current fighting style so unique and successful. Everything from eye gouging to vicious limb removal has all been added to this Kombatant's repertoire. Will he be able to overcome the aged old Shang McCain or Sen. Sonya Clinton? I think so and with weapons like his, who needs an army.

Let's face it, he alone could over to Iraq and they'd be like Sh*t! Look at that guy. He has freaking blades in his arms, that's awesome. Hence we world's view of us would be transformed and we could finally be recognized for our great accomplishments like jazz, beatnik poetry, and breeding genetic hybrids to do our battle for our amusement.

"I think he's the right man for the job." -a headless torso on the street

With endorsements like that, it's hard to imagine him losing, unless of course someone gets him stuck in a corner or keeps doing that sweep kick thing.



1 comment:

Machiavelli said...

Whatever! Hillary could totally beat him. She'd do this thing where she throws a harpoon at him...and then she says like "get over here, junior senator from Illinois"... and she pulls the harpoon rope and he comes over and she like uppercuts him or does a crazy combo or something...oh wait...that's Scorpion. No, no...she'd like roll up into a ball and's Kano. What was her power again? Oh yeah...being a bitch.