Wednesday, February 07, 2007

When Do I Update?

Short answer: When I should be writing my history paper. I'm supposed to be working on my paper for my antebellum history class but today I'm just exhausted. I've pulled a lot of long days this and last week and I just can't get motivated to write this paper even though it is only 500 words. It's pathetic I know but I'm just having difficulty getting started. So instead of working on that I'll fill you in with what I've been up to.

Well first of all I've been working a lot on various physics stuff and am struggling trying to find enough time to do anything. I'm going to have to work some stuff out but here's a quick synopsis of what I've been up to:

1. I underwent some exhaustive medical procedures to imbue me with the powers of the ant because let's face it ant's could totally get a lot of sugar then.... PROFIT!

2. I went and got a job at 7-11 unfortunately I found out that contrary to the name of the store they don't sell any July 11th related merchandise. Also no porn.

3. I went to school and took a bunch of tests, luckily they all came back negative all though I didn't think you could get that kind of score on a math test.

4. That previous one was obviously false, I'm not taking any math this semester.

5. However I did find out I am on the fast track to becoming the next marketing spokesman for Quizno's. To combat Jared who lost weight, they're using me to show how someone can gain a lot of weight eating their sandwiches. (PS that wasn't a joke, jokes are funny)

6. I made a list of things that I did recently and added them to my blog.

7. The list continued into the future where it mentioned an unfortunately embarrassing encounter between myself and a sea otter.

8. Also Porcupines, those guys have no sense of humor, just spines.


Machiavelli said...

Now...that's good comedy.

Lifelong Librarian said...

That was funny.

The Godfather said...

interesting post, a bit odd at times but I have come to expect a bit of that from you over the years.