Thursday, June 01, 2006

So What Have I Been Up To?

So I've started work up at the lab as an actual employee and other than some messy business regarding a beareaucratic mistake, things have been going smoothly. I've done an awful lot and learned more than I thougth possible in a semester. I took a short break for the last two days and started a new project where I'm trying to figure out what this mystery object is that has been puzzling astonomers all across the country. I'm running it against all the objects in the SDSS data and seeing how many other things out there are similar. It's been really exciting if not exhausting up at the lab. In other news I saw X-men 3 and was very disappointed. It seems like they didn't even try to make a good movie. I like almost all movies but this goes on the short list of movies I didn't like. Basically that list is just 'the Cable Guy' and 'the Aristocrats'. Oh well. That's all for now.

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