Monday, June 12, 2006

A Paycheck?! wtf!?

So I got my first paycheck today and I can't help but thinking two things about the money I'm earning. Firstly, I absolutely have no business earning any more money than anyone else, especially not people out there in the fields doing manual labor I could never do. Secondly, I don't see how anyone on could possibly get by with minimum wage. I'm getting paid well but what I earn isn't even enough to cover my rent for the summer to be able to work up here. It's all madness. Anyway, my project is still stagnated at the stage of I don't know why it's not working, but luckily I get paid either way and either way I still get all the benefits of working this summer. It just seems doubtful that I'll be able to contribute to the astronomical community what I was hoping to. Oh well I haven't given up hope yet. I still have a lot more stuff to work through. I mean today was the first day I actually had the error line in my code written correctly. Oh well, see you next time.

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