Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Oh no, this class is going to last 3 and half hours....

So I got a lot done today. First I woke up at 7:30 am, which is nigh unheard of for me, and then I went to my EHS 10 class. I showed up thinking it was going to be 2.5 hours because that's what the website said but it took 3 hours and 45 minutes. Ugh... Then I met up with my dad and brother on the steps of Sproul Plaza. They brought up a big group of portuguese students from the school because today is Portuguese Independence day. I called Zac and we got together. Eventually we ended up going to class and after that I bought Akira from the local anime store as a little bday present for myself (I found it for 15 when on amazon.com I only found it for 30 because on amazon.com they only had the extended version with like 3 dvds. I just got the bare bones movie). Then I hung out with Zac for a while. After that I did my physics discussion and most of my physics lecture homework. This week I just need to finish up a little physics, do my math (which I can't do yet because he hasn't lectured on it yet), and then do some stuff for my LBL project. (I really need to come up with a snappy acronym for it... If you have any suggestions, just leave them as comments) My current best is SPDWD (Short Period Double White Dwarfs).

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