Thursday, November 02, 2006

Finally I Return!

So I've been pretty busy lately. Sorry for the total lack of updates. Sigh... I've just been too busy. To sum up what has happened lately, I had my midterms and got them back and did pretty well on them. I feel like I've definitely chosen the right major. I love it and apparently I'm pretty good at it. Other than that, the only other news is that we got Marvel Ultimate Alliance which is an amazing game. I highly recommend it. If you liked X-men legends or the champions of Norrath series then you will love this game. It does have some flaws but altogether it is a really well put together game. I guess I don't have too much else to say, except that you should all go here. It's my brother's blog and infinitely better than mine.

1 comment:

Machiavelli said...

...and where are the pictures of kittens I requested??