Tuesday, January 16, 2007

So You Want a Post, eh?

Well here it is!

A lot to talk about so where should I get started. Chronologically probably makes the most sense.

My finals turned out to go well (very well in the case of Electromagnetism). I proceeded to spend my all too short Winter break finishing off Marvel Ultimate Alliance followed by Champions: Return to arms. Both of which were good games, although the former was a little disappointingly devoid of a story or a reasonable length. I was also busy tying up some loose ends with Christmas shopping and after that I relaxed and on the 26th got Mortal Kombat Armageddon which was a surpassed my expectations. I also got two other games: Barbarians (which I haven't decided if I like yet) and a Crash Bandicoot racing (which is very disappointing). It seems like this was a lot of games and to be honest it was. I played way too much. the 3rd and 4th I went up to Berkeley to get my poster ready for the American Astronomical Society conference and it was a big mess because my computer was in the shop. (it's back now though an Best Buy is very good with their warranties) On January 5th I went to Seattle to go to the AAS conference which had all sorts of neat astronomy stuff. I got to present my poster and it went over very well with many people interested in my project and asking if I could do some similar work for them (which I will do as soon as I receive their emails). That conference lasted until the 10th at which point I came home. After that, not much happened, just some games of Trivial Pursuit and before I knew it, I had to go back to school.

Well today was my first day and I walked into class not entirely prepared for what has been a hectic day. It turns out that I have a rather sizable homework assignment today and a long lab tomorrow. After that I should be able to get on top of things. This was just particularly bad because I have to do it tonight (I hate doing things the night before). Oh well. It will have to work out one way or the other. I had a long to do list for today but very little of it got done because of this hw.

That's it except I got hooked on Quizno's which isn't so bad if you have the right coupons but ridiculous if you don't. I also finished a great book entitle "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman" which was also really good.

I guess that's all I've got.


Anonymous said...

Thank you SO much for putting up those pictures of kittens I've been asking for so long. That was very courteous of you. You are the greatest blogger of all time. I'm so excited that you like sandwiches and play video games.

Anonymous said...

...by the way, I was being sarcastic.

The Godfather said...

Good to see an update. Good luck with school

Tiffani-Marie said...

What about pictures of bunnies?